have any GI distress. Most of the time people either stay at 40% carbohydrates or they have to reduce the amount of carbohydrates they are consuming and increase their fat intake. This also may change after a few weeks or months after you body has adjusted or depending on your activity level or where you are in your training. Here is a
Within one to three hours after a meal, place a check in the box next to any selection that applies to you.
Appetite/Sweet Cravings/Feel Full and Satisfied
- Feel Full and satisfied
- Do not have sweet cravings
- Do not desire more food
- Do not get hungry soon after eating
- Do not need to snack before next meal
Energy Levels
- Energy is restored after eating
- Have good, Lasting, sense of energy and well being
- Mental/Emotional Well Being
- Improved well-being
- Feel refueled or restored
- Uplift in emotions
- Improved clarity of mind
- Normalization of thought processes
Appetite/Sweet Cravings/Feel Full and Satisfied
- Feel physically full, but still hungry
- Don’t feel satisfied; feel like something was missing from meal
- Have desire for sweets
- Feel hungry again soon after meal
- Need to snack between meals
Energy Levels
- Too much or too little energy
- Become hyper, jittery shaky,nervous or speedy
- Feel hyper but exhausted underneath
- Energy drop, fatigue, exhaustion, sleeplessness, drowsiness, lethargy, or listlessness
Mental/Emotional Well Being
- Mentally slow, sluggish, spacey
- Inability to think clearly, quickly
- Overly rapid thoughts
- Inability to focus
- Hypo-apathy, depression, sadness
- Hyper-anxiety, obsessive behavior, fearfulness, anger, irritability
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