Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Diet for healthy babies

I have had a lot of questions about what to eat to increase your chances of getting pregnant, what to eat when you are pregnant, and what to eat to increase your milk production for breast feeding.  In Sally Fallon's book, The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Child Care,  she explains what foods to eat and what foods to avoid before, during, and throughout the baby's life.

Here is her list of foods to include:

  • Cod liver oil  to supply 20,000 IU vitamin A and at least 2000 IU vitamin D per day.
  • 4 cups of whole raw milk dairy and/or 5-6 ounces of raw cheese
  • At least one egg daily, preferably from pastured chickens, with as many addition yolks as possible added to smoothies, salad dressings, scrambled eggs, custards, homemade ice cream,
  • 4 tablespoons of ghee or butter daily, preferably from pasture-fed cows
  • 2-4 ounces fresh liver (beef, lamb, chicken, duck, turkey, goose) at least two times per week, preferably form pastured animals.
  • Fresh seafood, two to four times/week, particularly fish eggs, shellfish, oily fish like sardines, and wild salmon. 
  • Fresh beef, pork, or lamb daily, always consumed with fat. 
  • Oily fish or lard daily, for vitamin D
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil daily, used in cooking, smoothies, or melted in hot water
  • Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages 
  • Bone broths used in soups, stews, and sauces
  • Properly prepared whole grains, legumes, and nuts
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably organic and in season
  • Unrefined salt 

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